Sunday, December 04, 2005

Memo to Kate Parry


Spot read Nick Coleman's front page above-the-fold story about Sidney Mahkuk in today's paper. He read it with admiration for Coleman's news-gathering skills and for his skill as a writer and story teller. Coleman is an actual, genuine journalist.

You know that Spot has written before criticizing your comparison of Nick Coleman and Katherine Kersten. If you haven't already done so, Spot recommends reading Coleman's article and comparing it to the sophmoric, polemic dreck that Kersten produces.

Then, Spot recommends that you tell Doug Tice to send Kersten out on a story like this. Tell him Spotty double damn dares him. Then, when the story comes back, you can ask yourselves whether Kersten deserves a section B column, or ought to be confined to the op-ed section.


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