Friday, August 11, 2006

Spotty award: drinking buddy edition

Last night at DL, Spot congratulated Charlie Quimby again for his hysterical and straight-faced send-up of Death Squad John and the Lebanese carnage photos. Spot concluded his remarks by saying that it was a post that he wishes he had written. Whereupon (it means the same thing as "then," boys and girls, but it's much more pompous) REW pipes up and says, Then it deserves a Spotty! Why yes, dear REW it does, by Spot's own criteria and the words out of Spot's mouth.

So therefore, without further ado (or adieux, as Tild might say just to mock Spotty), be it known by all these presents, Charlie Quimby is awarded a Spotty for the aforementioned post, All in the Same Nonexistent Boat.

Remember, boys and girls, a Spotty is awarded for an op-ed piece, a letter to the editor, or a blog post or comment tha Spot wishes that he had written. The prestige value is immeasurable, but the cash value is 1/20th of a cent.

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