Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Do they have the Internets at the U of M Law School?

Here's the lede in a City Pages Blotter article this morning:

The Minnesota Daily reported yesterday on the ruckus currently unfolding at the U of M Law School over the hiring of Robert Delahunty to teach a Constitutional law course next semester. Delahunty formerly served in the Justice Department's Office of Legal Counsel. In that capacity he co-wrote one of the so-called "torture memos" that seemingly justified the psychological and physical abuse of detainees in the war on terrorism.

As you can read in the article--and as Spot has mentioned before--Delahunty is a former sidekick of John "Professor Organ Failure" Yoo when they were at the Justice Department.

To their everlasting credit, some of the profs at the law school have objected and requested reconsideration of the hiring decision. You can read their five-page letter here. And God love 'em, the letter even has footnotes.

Link to City Pages - The Blotter - Do they have the Internets at the U of M Law School?

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