Monday, July 26, 2010

Famous political quotes

Harry Truman:

I just told the truth, and they thought it was hell.


When you can’t offer a correction, demand an apology:

Sen. Al Franken said this weekend that Republicans don’t want a jobs bill to pass before the election because it would help Democrats politically, prompting the state Republican party to demand an apology from the Minnesota Democrat.

According to Tony “Featherbed” Sutton, who had his own special jobs program when Pat Anderson was the State Auditor:

In a statement, the Minnesota GOP Chairman Tony Sutton said that Franken “crossed a line.”

It’s always bad for guys like Tony when the discourse veers into the truth. The path of the Republicans has been pure obstruction on this and many other issues. That may even be good politics, but it doesn’t bode well for good policy.

But then, nobody has ever accused Tony of being a policy guy.

The photo is from a MinnPost article about Sutton and Brodkorb (who holds down – and I use that term as generously as I can – a state-paid Republican caucus job while he serves as the Republican vice chair) complaining about Mark Ritchie.

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