Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Peter's Victory Through Carnage tour

Spot learned yesterday via RSS and a post that he correctly guessed was from Janet, that the Forest Lake High School principal had canceled an appearance there by Peter Hegseth's competitive uniformed cheer squad, currently on its Victory Through Carnage tour across this broad and beautiful land. This is the road show featuring Fadi Fadhil, the Iraqi ex-pat who will tell all who will listen that things are getting really peachy in Baghdad, although he hasn't been there for a few years.

Janet says that the excuse for canceling the visit was "lame," and she quotes Kathryn Jean Lopez, K-Lo of the NRO, in support of that position. Why, these students would have been lucky to touch the hem of the garments of the likes of Peter Hegseth, Michael Baumann, Dave Thul, or maybe even the beatified (or is is fossilized?) Joe Repya. Of course, as K-Lo says (you can find the link to her NRO post at Janet's post, if you're interested), Peter Hegseth is a frequent contributor to the National Review Online. Imagine that!

Janet and K-Lo cannot imagine how anyone would think that a tour organized by Peter Hegseth and featuring Fadi Fadhil would be considered political.

There is an article in the Strib this morning that Pete was able to pitch his tent revival at the local American Legion in Forest Lake, and that some students were in attendance. One young fellow said he just wanted "to support the troops" and was sorry that the show didn't take place at the school. But really, boys and girls, does anybody actually think this is about supporting the troops and not the war policies of the current administration?

If it's just about the troops, what the @#$%^&* is Fadi Fadhil doing there?

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