Thursday, September 24, 2009

Arne Carlson: Come home, Tim

The "Tenther" While Barack Obama spends time advocating his ideas for health care reform – part of the job he’s got, and Bob Huge complains about it, Tim “Tenther” Pawlenty gallivants around the country looking for a new job while neglecting the one he’s got. Not a peep from the bilious Bob here, by the way.

In a signed editorial, Lori Sturdevant did mention it today:

Former Minnesota governors generally refrain from head-on clashes with their old office's current occupant. That may be why former Gov. Arne Carlson did not mention his fellow Republican successor, Gov. Tim Pawlenty, by name Tuesday, or explicitly blast the latter's absences from Minnesota as he explores a possible presidential bid.

But Carlson made clear to an audience assembled by the progressive think tank Growth & Justice that he thinks Minnesota's problems need more gubernatorial attention than they've been receiving.

The Tenther fiddles while Minnesota burns. Maybe Bob should write a letter.

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