Friday, November 04, 2005

Cohabitation at the U of Minnesota!

On Thursday, Katie tells us the shocking story of a score of University of Minnesota students who run a speakeasy on the first floor of their dwelling while sharing the upstairs as living quarters! She describes the arrangement with evident approval:
Kappa Pi Alpha is a two-year-old Christian fraternity, located in a big house vacated several years ago by another fraternity. Eighteen students, both men and women, live there in an "intentional community" with one purpose: to be a blessing to the university.

For now, Kappa Pi's efforts are focused on its first big project -- Bordertown Coffee House, open since January. It is on the fraternity's first floor, and residents live upstairs. "We named it Bordertown because we wanted to create a place where people from all backgrounds can meet, where borders are not an issue," says Brian Kurbis, a manager.
Seriously, what do you think Katie's view of this would be if it wasn't a Christian fraternity? In fact, Spot is almost positive that Katie has written a piece before abhorring co-ed dormitories. Katie doesn't appear to be all that wild about co-education, much less living arrangements.

Spotty also has to wonder how good the fraternity memebers will be at refraining from conferring blessings on each other, in spite of intentions! Okay, that was a cheap shot. But still. Hormones are hormones, even in youthful Christians.

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