Tuesday, March 27, 2012

If these are his champions

Then God help the Deputy

Most of you know that Geoff Michel -- Spot's beloved Deputy -- found himself on the business end of an ethics charge over his handling of the denunciation of Amy Koch. The treatment of the ethics complaint has provided some of the best theater all session.

An acrimonious hearing on the charge by the Senate Ethics Committee last week was continued so that the committee members could vote on voter photo ID (wouldn't want to miss that -- heaven forefend!) on the Senate floor, and when the committee was scheduled to reconvene, the Republican members, the above-pictured and whiskey-voiced Michelle Fischbach and the rural "shoot 'em on the curtilage" lawman Bill Ingrebritson were AWOL

Of course, reporters were curious.

Here's the Strib on follow up to the no shows today:
[  ] Fischbach was hustled away from reporters waiting for further clarity. 
"I'm meeting with a constituent for a few minutes and I won't be making any comment," she said as she left the Senate floor. 
Sen. Mike Parry, R-Waseca, then took her by the arm and began walking away from the reporters. 
A reporter asked Parry if he was pulling her away from the reporters. Parry responded that he had a question for her. He then hustled her into an office and worked to close the door as reporters tried to follow. A reporter told Parry it was a public office and he relented, then he, Fischbach and a constituent went into a back office. 
Fischbach was heard asking Parry if he "had a real question" and then the door closed so that reporters could hear no more. A few minutes later she had left.
Parry would not doubt have thrown down his cloak had he been given a moment to think about it.

The reason this is especially curious -- to me, anyway -- is that there is a rumor about that the Deputy has had second thoughts about his decision to retire from the heavy burden of public office, and that he is orchestrating a "Draft Michel" grass roots movement. Perhaps his family, filled with dread at the prospect of having to spend more time with him, urged his to reconsider.

At all events, the GOP convention in the new SD49 was postponed from last Saturday because no one had stepped forward to fill the Deputy's clown shoes.

Is it helpful or hurtful to the Deputy to put off or even bury the ethics charge?

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